Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Breaking up is NEVER easy


I've never had to break up with anyone and now I know that it's not easy. I knew it wasn't going to be a piece of cake or anything but I at least thought it would be a little less painful. Me and Manual broke up a week ago and I just know heard from him and I really don't want to talk about it. But he said that whatever I decided was alright with him and I hope it is.

Anyway on to happier =) subjects tomorrow we have Regionals. We play Keota and I am really excited. I can't wait!!! I really want to go to State cause that would mean that I wouldn't have to start basketball until the week after next and I'm not too excited about the running (I'm really out of shape).lol. I hope we get back in time for church tomorrow cause I really want to go and hang out with Marcello, Maria, and Pernille. They are awesome. Maria and Pernille are so sweet and Marcello is really funny=). Well I have some Physics homework I need to do so I probably should go do it.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

KBA- Girls Retreat

Hello people of the world,

Just started this blog so I'll try to blog as often as I can. This weekend was really fun. I went to the KBA (Kiamichi Baptist Assembly) and we had a girls retreat. We went to some different classes and they had a spa thing there. I mainly just had fun hanging out with Maria and Pernille. We convinced Brandie to let us stay another night and we went down to the basketball court and was just goofing around and playing a whole bunch of games. It was hilarious. Me and Pernille took a whole bunch of hilarious pictures. =D It was kinda weird though without any guys there.lol

We left this morning and went to church and after church we went to Brandie's parents house and helped them load up a whole bunch of stuff for the yard sale this next weekend. They are really nice and her dad is really funny. =)

Ohh I am so tired and tomorrow I have to go to school and we have a game tomorrow too against Heavener or Bokoshe I'm not really sure who we're playing. But we are the District Champions!!! This week is Regionals and then after that State!!! I really don't want softball practice to end cause I'm really afraid of basketball season, I'm not ready for it and I'm scared...=( lol