Saturday, October 24, 2009

Recap of my week....

I'm glad the week went by really fast cause I can't wait till Monday.

Haven't done anything really exciting this week but on Tuesday we went to Ft.Gibson for a scrimmage and it went well we didn't play as well as we should have but we're getting better. I made my free throw during one of the scrimmages and I was really happy cause usually I don't make my free throws and I made one. WOO HOO!!! lol.

Wednesday I went to Academic Team practice and had fun then I went to church. I was bored and so Me, Maria, and Dawn went to the new gym and waited for Marcello to get out of practice and we walked with him back to the church. It was mainly my idea lol.

Next week is Red Ribbon week and on Tuesday we have another scrimmage. The boys are scrimmaging Oktaha. But Monday is Pajama Day and I'm going to wear my tweety pj's. I'll make sure to bring my camera and get pictures of everybody. I probably won't dress up everyday cause one day it's suppose to be Cowboy, Indian, and Cop Day and I don't have anything like that. On Friday it's Maria's birthday and I'm really excited I got her birthday presents and I hope she likes them. Thursday is our Fall Carnival and the Juniors are doing the cake walk and I have to bake something so I'm probably going to bake cookies or something like that. Can't wait so blog more later.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I Gotta Feeling

I love Grapevine, Texas!!!

I had an amazing weekend on the YAB trip. Thursday morning I got up at 3:30 and got ready and went to the school. The ride up there I mainly slept and I don't think I woke up until we were in Texas. It was a long drive but once we got up there it was awesome. At first when we walked into the conference room there were so many people in there that I was kinda intimidated at first but then I got out of my comfort zone and relaxed and I started to have a good time. The guy that was doing the whole thing was Eddie and he was really cool. He taught us a dance to "I Gotta Feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas. I love that dance. lol That night I went to the waterpark and it was HUGE! They had a whole bunch of slides and stuff. I rode on them with Abby. Friday we went to some more seminars and danced some more. That night they had a huge dance for everyone and I really got into it and danced a lot. We were put into teams and i was Team Silver or Silver Stars. I met a lot of new people and a lot of people knew me cause they remembered that my name was Miranda Lambert. lol Saturday I met this guy Austin and he was really nice and funny and I mainly talked to him all day. During the whole the weekend I was texting Marcello =) Pernille's nice and she let me use her phone.

Today I went to church and when I came home I had to do a whole bunch of chores. I had to do the floors, give all the dogs a bath, take out the trash, pick up trash outside, and I think that's all I had to do. Austin called =) he's hunting out with his family. His whole family hunts. Well that's been my weekend and tomorrow it's back to school and Monday means drill day for basketball.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Birthday Weekend

Had a really good weekend!!!

Ok so this is what happened. On Friday after practice I went over to Jessica's house and got changed. Then around 6:45 we left to go to the movies. I wanted to see Fame but Jess didn't want to so we watched the kinda scary movie A Perfect Getaway. I was hoping to see Marcello there but after the movie I looked for him but I didn't see him. After the movie we left and went to my house stayed up and messed around on the computor then went to bed.

Saturday Nora came around 3:30 and Becca showed up like around 5 and we just all hung out and talked and being goofy. Becca brought me a big cookie and money, Jessica got me a purse, and Nora got me a Snoopy and Woodstock t-shirt. But now I'm sick and I don't feel good. I have a huge headache and my nose is running. I hate being sick. My actual birthday is on Wednesday and that's when I get my presents from my Dad and Calissa. I'm so happy that we only have a 3-day week cause of fall break. I'm tired so I'm going to go take some Nyquil and go to sleep.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Birthday Weekend Coming Soon To Theaters Near You

I am so excited for tomorrow!!!

Okay this weekend is going to be so much fun. Tomorrow after practice I am going over to Jessica's and we are going to the movies and I'm not sure what movie we're going to see but it's either going to be Fame, The Final Destination, or The Hurt Locker.(I've never heard of this movie). Pernille, Maria, and Marcello said that they are going too so I hope we all go at the same time cause I love hanging out with them. Jessica is going to spend the night and then on Saturday Nora and Becca are going to come over and we are going to have an awesome time. Stay up late, be retarded and all that good =)

Until then practice has been going pretty good. Right now my legs feel like rubber from doing the duck walk and reverse lunges. We haven't had to do anything major or anything and I'm actually having fun. I normally have fun but sometimes it's just ugh I don't want to do this, but I love playing. For the first time I went to FCS and I really liked it. I've never gone before and I really wanted to so I went and sat with Pernille and Maria and it was really good. We watched a video about how you are God's greatest creation. It was a really good message. Can't wait till tomorrow. Post more later.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Danielle!!!

I had an awesome time over at Danielle's!!!

So friday around 4:30 I met up with Danielle at Wal-Mart and I got to see Sam, Justin (Sam's bf), and Kelsie. Then we went and picked up Shane and Kayla then we all went to Danielle's. We blew up balloons and a whole bunch of other people showed up (mainly Danielle's family), but so did Bryar, Megan, Sarah, Marcus, Paige, and Hailey. After everybody ate they lit the bonfire and Megan pulled her car around and we danced to music, well mainly Bryar danced. He is really good. I attempted to dance

Then we all went to Club Malibu. It's a dance club and they have pool tables, air hockey, and arcade games and stuff like that. It was kinda boring cause nobody was really dancing and I was just standing in a corner just watching people. Then we went to Wal-Mart and rented some movies and Heath climbed up one of the light poles in the parking lot it was so funny =). After that we went back to Danielle's and we got Heath to sing some country songs. He is actually really good kind of like Randy Travis. We watched Obsessed and then Heath and Justin had to go so the rest of the girls that were staying the night watched a movie. We all fell asleep before it was over so we all like went to bed at like 5.

Danielle brought me home and later like around 5 or 6 Dad is going to come and pick me up. Then tomorrow is school...ugh. I have to finish my reading letter for English and Monday is drill day for basketball...ugh. I hope it's not that bad, but it probably will be.

Friday, October 2, 2009

It's the WEEKEND!!!

TGIF (Thank God I'ts Friday!!!)

I am so happy that it's the weekend =). I get to sleep in and relax and heal from basketball practice. It wasn't as bad as yesterday but I really didn't have to run that much cause Coach put me and Becca down with the posts and the guards had to do this drill and they messed up so they had to do a 6 minute drill and every 6 seconds he would buzz the horn and a person would have to run down and back so it was really bad. 6 minutes is 360 seconds divided by 6 is about 60 down and backs. Since it was 3 or 4 girls in a line and there was 3 lines so they each didn't have to run 60 but still. I felt so sorry for them cause I was just sitting on the sidelines watching and clapping. Marcello told me that the boys practice was pretty rough too.

I'm over at my mom's this weekend. I decided to come over instead of going to the sleepover although I really wanted to go. I haven't seen my mom in a really long time and I miss her and I know she misses me. We caught up on what's been going on and tomorrow I'm going over to Danielle's for her birthday party. She said that they were having a bonfire and that Heath is going to

I'm going to get a long good night of sleep cause I need it. *Night Night*

Thursday, October 1, 2009

1st Day of Basketball Practice


My legs hurt so bad and its only the first day!!! Okay here's a recap of the past few days. We played yesterday at Keota for Regionals. We played Keota and we should have won that game and we played really good. It went into 2 extra innings and we lost 7 to 6. Then we had to play Ratan and we played really good but they had a couple of girls rope it over and we lost 3 to 1. So two loses and we're out. It was really sad cause it's the seniors last fast pitch games and they were crying and it was really sad.

Now today we started basketball practice and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and I get to hang out with Becca and we get to go through pain together so it's all good. Had to run some and we did a lot of drills but this was an easy practice compared to the first day last year. I think I lost like 5lbs in sweat But I still miss softball.

Tomorrow I'm suppose to go to my mom's but Maria called and they're having a sleep over at Brandie's and I want to go to that but I also told Danielle that I would go to her birthday party and I haven't seen my mom in over a month so I don't know what I'm going to do. I'll figure it out. Ohh I'm going to be so sore tomorrow. Going to get a good nights sleep tonight. *Night Night*

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Breaking up is NEVER easy


I've never had to break up with anyone and now I know that it's not easy. I knew it wasn't going to be a piece of cake or anything but I at least thought it would be a little less painful. Me and Manual broke up a week ago and I just know heard from him and I really don't want to talk about it. But he said that whatever I decided was alright with him and I hope it is.

Anyway on to happier =) subjects tomorrow we have Regionals. We play Keota and I am really excited. I can't wait!!! I really want to go to State cause that would mean that I wouldn't have to start basketball until the week after next and I'm not too excited about the running (I'm really out of shape).lol. I hope we get back in time for church tomorrow cause I really want to go and hang out with Marcello, Maria, and Pernille. They are awesome. Maria and Pernille are so sweet and Marcello is really funny=). Well I have some Physics homework I need to do so I probably should go do it.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

KBA- Girls Retreat

Hello people of the world,

Just started this blog so I'll try to blog as often as I can. This weekend was really fun. I went to the KBA (Kiamichi Baptist Assembly) and we had a girls retreat. We went to some different classes and they had a spa thing there. I mainly just had fun hanging out with Maria and Pernille. We convinced Brandie to let us stay another night and we went down to the basketball court and was just goofing around and playing a whole bunch of games. It was hilarious. Me and Pernille took a whole bunch of hilarious pictures. =D It was kinda weird though without any guys

We left this morning and went to church and after church we went to Brandie's parents house and helped them load up a whole bunch of stuff for the yard sale this next weekend. They are really nice and her dad is really funny. =)

Ohh I am so tired and tomorrow I have to go to school and we have a game tomorrow too against Heavener or Bokoshe I'm not really sure who we're playing. But we are the District Champions!!! This week is Regionals and then after that State!!! I really don't want softball practice to end cause I'm really afraid of basketball season, I'm not ready for it and I'm scared...=( lol